The Cover Project
Uploads Online
I've got uploads back online, though you all did fill the server up... again. I've got another 5500 new covers to push into the CDN, but it's automated so should be done in a few days I hope. Happy uploading!

Please remember JPG only.;topicseen#new
posted October 18, 2022, 01:27:59 PM by Snowcone | 15 comments
Recent Covers

Cyberpunk 2077
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Sine Mora EX
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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
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Dragon Age: Inquisition
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Destiny: The Taken King
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Far Cry 3: Classic Edition
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Tales from the Borderlands
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Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, The

New Super Mario Bros. 2

New Super Mario Bros. 2
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